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Bodies, times, places of historiographies


Social fights for the acknowledgement of collective identities have always produced tensions in the work of historians, revealing the ethical and political dimensions of historical thought, the situated character of the epistemological principles and paradigms of the academic practices, and the marked social condition of the subjects who make and write history. The articles of this special issue address, from different standpoints, the marks of corporeality implicated in the historiographical operation, considering the body not only as a condition of the experience and writing of history, but as the most tangible trace of the positionality of the epistemic subjects and of their negotiation and belonging options. The aim is to broaden the debate in a cross and intersectional approach to contribute to the questioning of the bodies, times and places of the historiographical operation and, more broadly, of the disciplinary field of history.

Epistemology; Identity; Theory of history

Sociedade Brasileira de Teoria e História da Historiografia (SBTHH) Rua do Seminário, s/n, Centro. , CEP: 35420-000, Tel: +55 (31) 3557 9423 - Mariana - MG - Brazil