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“O copista de luxo”: Fabio Morábito and the translation


This is a lecture on translation given by the writer and poet Fabio Morábito. Unpublished, even in its original written language, the lecture was delivered in December 2022 at the Institute of Filological Research of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. With great lyricism, Morábito scrutinizes the place occupied by the translator, in his links and contrasts with theater, literary writing, memory, language acquisition, poetry and poetic emotion. The author connects seemingly distant subjects, such as an actor's histrionics, the reading of a business letter manual, the irrepressible laughter at a successful imitation, the path of betrayal and stones, the warm smile of a woman, a young military man on the rise, a copyist monk, the ambush of a propitiatory dance, the deepest part of the jungle, and recent translations from ancient Greek.

Fabio Morábito; poetic translation; literary translation; poetry translator; poet

Programa de Pos-Graduação em Letras Neolatinas, Faculdade de Letras -UFRJ Av. Horácio Macedo, 2151, Cidade Universitária, CEP 21941-97 - Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil , - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil